
How To Create A Text Based Game In Java

Here's the simple text adventure game sample in Java.

You can play the game on the console window.

You can choose your name.

You select your action by typing a number.

You have HP and you can get a weapon during your adventure.

It's an old school "choose your own adventure" style game.

And here's the source code:

                          import java.util.Scanner;  public class Game {  	Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(; 	Scanner enterScanner = new Scanner(; 	int playerHP; 	String playerName; 	String playerWeapon; 	int choice; 	int monsterHP;  	int silverRing;  	public static void main(String[] args) {  		Game dublin; 		dublin = new Game();  		dublin.playerSetUp(); 		dublin.townGate(); 	}  	public void playerSetUp() {  		playerHP = 10; 		monsterHP = 15;  		playerWeapon = "Knife";  		System.out.println("Your HP: " + playerHP); 		System.out.println("Your Weapon: " + playerWeapon);  		System.out.println("Please enter your name:");  		playerName = myScanner.nextLine();  		System.out.println("Hello " + playerName + ", let's start the game!");  	}  	public void townGate() {  		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); 		System.out.println("You are at the gate of the town."); 		System.out.println("A guard is standing in front of you."); 		System.out.println(""); 		System.out.println("What do you want to do?"); 		System.out.println(""); 		System.out.println("1: Talk to the guard"); 		System.out.println("2: Attack the guard"); 		System.out.println("3: Leave"); 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n");  		choice = myScanner.nextInt();  		if (choice == 1) { 			if (silverRing == 1) { 				ending(); 			} else { 				System.out.println("Guard: Hello there, stranger. So your name is " + playerName 						+ "? \nSorry but we cannot let stranger enter our town."); 				enterScanner.nextLine(); 				townGate(); 			}  		} else if (choice == 2) { 			playerHP = playerHP - 1; 			System.out.println( 					"Guard: Hey don't be stupid.\n\nThe guard hit you so hard and you gave up.\n(You receive 1 damage)\n"); 			System.out.println("Your HP: " + playerHP); 			enterScanner.nextLine(); 			townGate(); 		} else if (choice == 3) { 			crossRoad(); 		} else { 			townGate(); 		} 	}  	public void crossRoad() { 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); 		System.out.println("You are at a crossroad. If you go south, you will go back to the town.\n\n"); 		System.out.println("1: Go north"); 		System.out.println("2: Go east"); 		System.out.println("3: Go south"); 		System.out.println("4: Go west"); 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n");  		choice = myScanner.nextInt();  		if (choice == 1) { 			north(); 		} else if (choice == 2) { 			east(); 		} else if (choice == 3) { 			townGate(); 		} else if (choice == 4) { 			west(); 		} else { 			crossRoad(); 		} 	}  	public void north() { 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); 		System.out.println("There is a river. You drink the water and rest at the riverside."); 		System.out.println("Your HP is recovered."); 		playerHP = playerHP + 1; 		System.out.println("Your HP: " + playerHP); 		System.out.println("\n\n1: Go back to the crossroad"); 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n");  		choice = myScanner.nextInt();  		if (choice == 1) { 			crossRoad(); 		} else { 			north(); 		} 	}  	public void east() { 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); 		System.out.println("You walked into a forest and found a Long Sword!"); 		playerWeapon = "Long Sword"; 		System.out.println("Your Weapon: " + playerWeapon); 		System.out.println("\n\n1: Go back to the crossroad"); 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n");  		choice = myScanner.nextInt();  		if (choice == 1) { 			crossRoad(); 		} else { 			east(); 		} 	}  	public void west() { 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); 		System.out.println("You encounter a goblin!\n"); 		System.out.println("1: Fight"); 		System.out.println("2: Run"); 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n");  		choice = myScanner.nextInt();  		if (choice == 1) { 			fight(); 		} else if (choice == 2) { 			crossRoad(); 		} else { 			west(); 		} 	}  	public void fight() { 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); 		System.out.println("Your HP: " + playerHP); 		System.out.println("Monster HP: " + monsterHP); 		System.out.println("\n1: Attack"); 		System.out.println("2: Run"); 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n");  		choice = myScanner.nextInt();  		if (choice == 1) { 			attack(); 		} else if (choice == 2) { 			crossRoad(); 		} else { 			fight(); 		} 	}  	public void attack() { 		int playerDamage = 0;  		if (playerWeapon.equals("Knife")) { 			playerDamage = new java.util.Random().nextInt(5); 		} else if (playerWeapon.equals("Long Sword")) { 			playerDamage = new java.util.Random().nextInt(8); 		}  		System.out.println("You attacked the monster and gave " + playerDamage + " damage!");  		monsterHP = monsterHP - playerDamage;  		System.out.println("Monster HP: " + monsterHP);  		if (monsterHP < 1) { 			win(); 		} else if (monsterHP > 0) { 			int monsterDamage = 0;  			monsterDamage = new java.util.Random().nextInt(4);  			System.out.println("The monster attacked you and gave " + monsterDamage + " damage!");  			playerHP = playerHP - monsterDamage;  			System.out.println("Player HP: " + playerHP);  			if (playerHP < 1) { 				dead(); 			} else if (playerHP > 0) { 				fight(); 			} 		}  	}  	public void dead() { 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); 		System.out.println("You are dead!!!"); 		System.out.println("\n\nGAME OVER"); 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n");  	}  	public void win() { 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); 		System.out.println("You killed the monster!"); 		System.out.println("The monster dropped a ring!"); 		System.out.println("You obtaind a silver ring!\n\n"); 		System.out.println("1: Go east"); 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n");  		silverRing = 1;  		choice = myScanner.nextInt(); 		if (choice == 1) { 			crossRoad(); 		} else { 			win(); 		}  	}  	public void ending() { 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); 		System.out.println("Guard: Oh you killed that goblin!?? Great!"); 		System.out.println("Guard: It seems you are a trustworthy guy. Welcome to our town!"); 		System.out.println("\n\n           THE END                    "); 		System.out.println("\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); 	} }                      

Annnnnd............ here's the video tutorial that I made long time ago.

The tutorial consists of seven videos. This is my first YouTube video so I can't guarantee the quality... but if you're interested, please check!

How To Create A Text Based Game In Java


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